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Limiting Beliefs and Leadership - Dr. Anjana Kundu interviews Dr. Asha Padmanabhan


When my dear friend and fellow podcaster Dr. Anjana Kundu asked me to talk about Leadership and Limiting Beliefs we as women physicians have, I was excited and thankful for the privilege to be on the other end of the microphone.

This episode takes us through challenges women physicians face, not from external factors, but from within ourselves and the beliefs we have and hold close to our heart. 

Listen in as we discuss why it is important to recognize that our internal beliefs could be holding us back from achieving our full potential and how to stop them from taking over our career.

Dr. Anjana Kundu hosts the Pedia Pain Focus podcast and is the founder of ProActive Pain Solutions


Limiting Beliefs and Leadership - Dr. Anjana Kundu interviews Dr. Asha Padmanabhan
