There are times when you have a dream but you don’t act on it because it seems too big and out of reach.

Fear holds you back – Fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of “what will people think”

Or sometimes you start working towards your goal or your dream, taking all the steps and still that final result is just out of your reach. 

And you wonder if it is worth it and you falter and stop.


This morning, as I took a few minutes to stand and reflect in my garden, in the stillness of early morning, this beautiful half-done spider web caught my eye. 

Within it, the tiny ? toiled industriously.

The two trees this web was being built to span were about 3 feet apart. That’s about 850x this spider’s size. 

It probably would take this spider several hours or even the entire day to spin this web, never knowing when rain or wind or a human hand would knock it out. 

And it would have to start all over again. 

As humans, when faced with such a task, not knowing if or when we would reach our goal, our dream, our thoughts would crowd in, and eventually, unless we learn how to work through them, hold us back from even trying.

And that would be the end of that – of that dream, that goal, that spider’s web.

My lesson from this spider this morning:

I have a dream, what is holding me back from working towards it?

Pre-Coaching me:

My first thought would be “Is it worth it?”

Second thought: I won’t succeed so I might as well not try. 

Third Thought: What if I fail?

Fourth Thought: What will people think?

Action: I do nothing 

Result: loss of my dream

The New Post-Coaching me:

What are the thoughts standing in my way?

The thought that I would fail.

What if I worked through that thought and reframed it to: 

I could fail but what if I learned all the skills to make it happen. My web might break on this tree but I can try a different spot.

Then if I failed, it wouldn’t be a failure, because I would have learned something from it.

Action: I take the first steps towards my dream

Result: I either achieve that dream or the skills I learnt steer me towards a new dream. 

The spider does not stop to think she is going to fail before she makes that first anchoring span between the two trees. 

Nor when the wind tears it down. 

No matter the obstacles, the spider will continue. 

And if that web keeps getting ripped apart, she will find another spot and start all over again. 

Be like the spider. 

P.S. What is one goal or dream you have?

What thoughts are holding you back from reaching for it?

Drop me an email to share

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